Round 1 – Falcao doesn’t waste much time getting into the clinch and looking for a takedown. After a minute of effort, Falcao eradicated the fight and mounted a successful counterattack. However, Hugo soon returns to full guard. Falcao punches to the body. Hugo sets up a Gogoplata, but Falcao doesn't have it. He goes back to his feet but the clinch continues. With less than two minutes left, Hugo finally grabs the separation and hits his leg kick. Falcao tries for another takedown but is denied. Hugo throws kicks to his legs and torso. A great uppercut follows. Hugo goes hunting, but his kick goes low and the fight is paused. After a minute of recovery, Hugo quickly returns to the attack and lands several more attacks in front of Horn.
MMA Junkie scores the round 10-9 for Hugo.
Round 2 – This round begins a fierce battle. Falcao tries to slow things down with a takedown, but Hugo refuses. Falcao returns to the center and moves forward with a combo and looks for a takedown. He goes back to trading punches and kicks as Ugo defends and circles away. Falcao goes for another single leg but misses it. Hugo lands a nice left hand, but the spinning elbow misses and Falcao clinch. Ugo gets free and goes for a leg kick on him. A tip to the body continues. Falcao can't get a takedown anymore. Hugo goes for a wheel kick, but Falcao ducks in and connects with a bodylock on Hugo. They both separate and Ugo continues his attack with kicks and a left hand on the horn.
MMA Junkie scores the round 10-9 for Hugo.
Round 3 – Right at the start, Hugo drops Falcao with a clean left hook. But he doesn't follow the ground. Falcao stands up and presses forward, while Hugo looks for a counter. Ugo hits a spinning back kick that may have been low, but the fight continues. Falcao tries for another takedown, but he can't get one again. Hugo lands a nice left hook, but Falcao responds with a flurry of punches and clinch. They part ways and go back to trading. Falcao clinch again. Hugo takes him down again. In the final seconds before Hugo goes off, Hugo goes wild with his Showtime kick.
MMA Junkie scores the round 10-9 for Hugo, winning the bout 30-27.
result: Victor Hugo def. Pedro Falcao (unanimous decision) (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)
photograph: UFC Fight Night 240: Best photos from Las Vegas
record: Falcao (16-4 MMA, 0-1 UFC), Hugo (25-4 MMA, 1-0 UFC)
Split: Bantamweight
referee: Chris Tognoni
Examine: Adelaide Bird (29-28), Chris Leben (30-27), Brian Minor (29-28)