Watch Jared Cannonier vs Nassouddin Imavov highlights With the cooperation of multiple media outlets, coverage of Sunday night's main event showdown was provided.
The Cannonier vs. Imavov fight took place on June 8 at the KC Yum! Center in Louisville, Kentucky. The main event featured Jared Cannonier (17-7) facing Nassouddin Imavov (13-5, 1 no contest). The bout was broadcast live on ESPN.
Check out all the video highlights below:
For more on the Cannonier vs. Imavov fight, check out MMA Fighting's Jed Meshew's live blog.
Round 1
The chants of “USA!” are heard before the fight even starts. Imavov is big and comes to the center. Cannonier gives way to the ground but lands a good right early in the fight. Imavov lands a jab and Cannonier misses a big counter. He comes at you with intent from the start.
Cannonier lands some nice calf kicks. These two go on the offensive early. Imavov moves around, trying to get angles, Cannonier swings hard, slashing at the leg, and when Imavov moves, he clinches and presses him against the fence.
Then a takedown. Imavov tries to get up, and after a moment he does, but gets elbowed as he separates. Imavov tries to hit a knee as Cannonier steps in, but misses, and Herzog stops and warns Imavov not to lay a finger on him. Herzog is not competing tonight.
Cannonier lands another kick to the calf. Imavov lands a good left hook but gets kicked again to the leg. Cannonier tries to chop down a tree, but Imavov ties up his lead hand and lands an elbow on it, then a knee to the body. Cannonier ducks and lands a one-two.
Imavov catches a low kick from Cannonier and throws him away, but instead of chasing Cannonier, he gets up and clinches, pushing Imavov back. We go into a clinch battle. Position work, some short knees and punches. Cannonier holds position and the match is deadlocked with under a minute left.
And that was it for us. The last part of the round was uneventful.
MMA Fighting scored the round 10-9 for Cannonier.
Round 2
Back in the center, Cannonier hops around on the outside, kicking early – just as planned. Imavov counters the next one with a big jab. And again. Herzog warns him about the finger again.
Imavov counters a step in from Cannonier but doesn't land cleanly. He then lands a sharp left hook, but Cannonier fires back with two. Cannonier is more aggressive and Imavov falls backwards after the collision. Cannonier quickly goes after Imavov and they clinch against the fence again.
Imavov is in good position to break but misses his intended left punch. Cannonier starts throwing jabs to throw Imavov around, then goes back into the clinch and presses Imavov against the cage.
Imavov again in good position, landing some good elbows as Cannonier's head drops. Cannonier continues to hang on, but isn't getting much actual offense in. Imavov is landing more strikes at this point, but sparingly.
Imavov finally turns and lands a right hand, then another, then he presses the action, Cannonier's mouthpiece drops, Herzog slips out and puts it in, Cannonier lands another kick to the calf.
A nice one-two from Imavov puts Cannonier back free. Imavov goes on the offensive, trying to push Cannonier back with right hands. It doesn't work, but he gets stuck in the clinch. But Imavov breaks this up early and lands a good combination just before the horn.
MMA Fighting scored the round 10-9 for Imavov, and 19-19 overall.
Round 3
Imavov came out strong at the end of the round, and it's unclear whether Cannonier was getting tired from the constant clinching or if Imavov just decided to slow down, but Cannonier wasn't letting Imavov gain any momentum.
Cannonier lands a big right punch through the guard early in the round. He's the first to move forward. Whoever moves forward wins. Imavov misses a counter, steps in and lands a one-two.
Hmm. Imavov escapes Cannonier's clinch and slides into a waistlock. Imavov works Cannonier to the fence and drags him down. Cannonier gets to his knees, trying to release the grip. He gets up, but Imavov is still holding him against the fence, keeping the space.
Cannonier turns and reverses position but Imavov is moving, Cannonier struggles to maintain this position but can't as Imavov turns and lands a right hand, Cannonier lands a kick to the calf.
Imavov does it again, timing it right every time. And again. But Cannonier catches Imavov with three right hands, from a hook to an uppercut. At the halfway point, Cannonier again manages to clinch.
Cannonier is holding this position with high underhooks and head position but he's not putting much effort in yet. This is a tiring way to fight and Imavov keeps getting elbows in to bridge. He breaks it and lands a body kick.
Cannonier lands a nice right hook as Imavov slips, but Imavov eats it. Imavov counters another leg kick and lands a check hook. Imavov regains his composure, but misses with a right hand as Cannonier again goes into the clinch. The boos start to come, but I honestly thought they would come sooner.
Imavov broke the clinch just before the end of the round, landed a few good punches afterwards and narrowly missed a head kick before the horn.
MMA Fighting scored the round 10-9 for Imavov and 29-28 for Cannonier.
Round 4
The third round is pretty even. I thought Imavov landed the cleaner punches for the most part, but it was close. It could very well be the deciding round in this fight. The numbers seem to favor Cannonier.
Imavov holds the center and lands right hands as Cannonier bounces around, Cannonier then goes for a spinning elbow which lands, but is ineffective as Imavov steps in and grabs his back, forcing Cannonier against the fence, but quickly spins around and breaks it.
Imavov jabbing and moving forward, Cannonier jabbing and circling, swinging hard at times.
AHH! Imavov hurts him! Cannonier is caught in no man's land and Imavov lands a perfect right hook! Cannonier's unsteady on his feet but still on his feet!
Cannonier escapes, but Imavov gives chase and looks to attack, and Jason Herzog steps in!
Oh no. That was a bad stoppage. Cannonier was in trouble, but he still got up and moved and defended himself, and Herzog jumped in without much offense.