Below is a news release and photos from Eastern Idaho College.
IDAHO FALLS – This week, the Eastern Idaho College Board of Trustees held a special meeting and unanimously voted to approve a “guaranteed maximum price” of $36,407,023 to construct a new Future Tech building on campus.
This vote marks a milestone in this three-year effort to build on energy, innovation and technology.
“We're just bursting at the seams here on campus,” CEI President Rick Ammann said in a statement. “A lack of classroom space limits our ability to teach and train graduates for family-wage jobs. The 88,000-square-foot Future Tech Building features flexible, state-of-the-art teaching space that The planning team designed Future Tech around using the building as an educational tool, a “Swiss Army Knife.” It is a multi-tool, multi-functional, multi-purpose facility. ”
“The Idaho Department of Public Works (DPW) has selected Anderson Construction as the general contractor for the Eastern Idaho College Future Tech construction project,” explained Byron Miles, CEI Vice President of Finance and Administration. The nation was ultimately successful. We appreciate their efforts. ”
There was applause at the board meeting after the vote. Board member Cal Ozaki commented that the Future Tech Building is essential to CEI's mission. Plans were discussed for the university to work across the region to raise funds for the furniture, supplies and equipment needed to operate the building.
“This building is not only a resource for CEI, but also an asset for the entire community. Our college has great partnerships with businesses and the community at large. Its mission is to advance economic development through cost-effective higher education. ,” said Mark Madsen, vice president of strategic partnerships at CEI. The objective is the day the construction is completed. ”
In addition to classroom space, the building also has areas suitable for large gatherings, including business and civic events, collaboration spaces for students, and bay spaces. As the name suggests, this architectural design incorporates cutting-edge technology built into the building itself. This educational space is intended to house the university's cutting-edge programs, including cybersecurity, energy systems technology, nuclear technology, and battery and solar cell technology.
Construction is scheduled to begin in June. Equipment will arrive and site preparation will take place in the coming weeks. Click here for more information.
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