Watch Canelo Alvarez vs. Jaime Munguia fight highlights from the main event of Canelo vs. Munguia, brought to you by DAZN and other broadcasters.
Canelo vs. Munguia took place on May 4th at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. Undisputed super middleweight champion Canelo Alvarez (61-2-2, 39 KOs) takes on Jaime Munguia (43-1, 34 KOs) in the highly anticipated main event of the night. The match was broadcast live on DAZN and
Official score: Canelo Alvarez defeated Jaime Munguia (117-110, 116-111, 115-112)
Watch the Canelo vs. Munguia highlight video below.
For more on Alvarez vs. Munguia, check out our live blog below.
Round 1: Munguia takes center. The crowd is buzzing. Munguia tests the range of his jab. There is another obvious attacker in the body, Munguia. Canelo glares right to his body. Munguia's jab looks fast. He punches his body. Canelo tries to set up but Munguia ties him up. Canelo with a left hook to the body. Then a right hook to the opposite side. Munguia lands his left hook. They exchange punches and Munguia wants a brawl. Canelo drives him back with shots to the body. A fun start.
MMA Fighting: Canelo won the round 10-9.
Round 2: Canelo now stands in the center of the ring. Munguia is unimpressed and quickly lets him go. Munguia lands a few jabs, but Canelo continues to target the body. Now Munguia is rubbing himself. He landed a jab to Canelo's face. Right hook from Munguia followed by a hard left to the body. Canelo is damaged. Canelo with a left hook to the body. Canelo clean 1-2. Munguia and Canelo's straight punches have to lean back to take some of the momentum off these shots. Canelo remembers to train his body to match Munguia's attacks.
MMA Fighting: Canelo won the round 10-9. Canelo has an overall record of 20 wins and 18 losses.
Round 3: When Munguia pumps that jab, he follows up with a good right hand. Munguia doubles his left hook and splits Canelo in the stomach. They traded punches, much to the delight of the fans. Canelo returns to the body. Right hand up by Canelo breaks through. Munguia with plenty of volume. Left counter from Munguia. Munguia cuts off the ring. The counter remained with Munguia's money. He walks Canelo and scores. The round ended with a bang.
MMA Fighting defeated Munguia in the round 10-9. Canelo's overall record is 29 wins and 28 losses.
Round 4: Munguia smashed Canelo in the center of the ring with some great head movement. If Canelo continues to land his left hooks to the body, he might be rewarded in later rounds. Munguia's quick combos, Canelo's defense holds out. A straight right goes to Munguia. Canelo hits a right hand on Munguia. Munguia tags to the body and slips through another jab. Munguia throws a flurry of punches, and Canelo responds with a right hand. Uppercut drops Munguia! Canelo went back on the offensive, but as the bell rang and the crowd roared, we headed into the fifth.
MMA Fighting: Canelo with 10 wins and 8 losses in rounds. Canelo has an overall record of 39 wins and 36 losses.
Round 5: Unsurprisingly, both fighters took their time to start the fifth round. Canelo wants to land more big shots, but Munguia knows he's at a disadvantage. They exchange stiff jabs. Munguia throws a right hand, but Canelo counters it. Munguia charges in with a power punch and almost hits another uppercut. Canelo jab. Munguia fought with great pace, but not great accuracy. Canelo comes and goes. Left hook and a 1-2 combo that breaks Munguia. Canelo hits another uppercut. Big tear to the body by Munguia.
MMA Fighting: Canelo won the round 10-9. Canelo has an overall record of 49 wins and 45 losses.
Round 6: They trade jabs, and Canelo breaks it up with a left hook. Munguia is bringing the heat but continues to be captured by Canelo. One-two from Canelo. Munguia advances with jabs and straight punches. Canelo lands another left hook. Munguia attacks with a combo, but cannot break through. Munguia hits a straight right, and Canelo responds with a body shot. Head-to-body combo by Munguia, and another one. Left hook and jab from Canelo.
MMA Fighting: Canelo won the round 10-9. Canelo has an overall record of 59 wins and 54 losses.
Round 7: Canelo fires. Canelo is headhunting while Munguia works to reestablish his jab. Munguia's uppercut was great and sent Canelo backing into the ropes. Canelo gets out of trouble with a punch. Another right straight lands for Munguia. He's combining his punches well in this round. Canelo still threatens with a left hook. Left hook from Canelo to the body. Munguia glances to the right. He tries to force Canelo into the corner, but Canelo unleashes his left hook, only for Munguia to absorb it. Munguia remains in Canelo's arms. He does a good job on the inside, but again Canelo hits him with a left hand.
MMA Fighting: Canelo won the round 10-9. Canelo has an overall record of 69 wins and 63 losses.
Round 8: Munguia fired his jab, confident he could break through Canelo's defense. He is light on his feet and doesn't push forward and put Canelo on the back foot. Canelo is quiet in this round with about 90 seconds left. Munguia goes to the body. Canelo throws a jab and changes the tempo. Munguia was doing a better job of avoiding his left hook, but received his right uppercut for his troubles. Munguia scores with a straight right. Canelo’s jab is looking good. Munguia and Canelo combine against the ropes.
MMA Fighting defeated Munguia in the round 10-9. Canelo has an overall record of 78 wins and 73 losses.
Round 9: Canelo is relying on that jab right now. Munguia hits a straight right. He relentlessly goes to the body, he wants Canelo to put his hands down. Canelo throws an uppercut, but Munguia sees it. Big combination from Munguia. Can Canelo keep up with him at this stage of the fight? Munguia rides out the storm as Canelo attacks with power punches. Body combo from Munguia, but Canelo laments the low blow. Canelo lands a left hook. Munguia is drowning him with volume now. Right hook from Munguia. Canelo lands his left hook.
MMA Fighting defeated Munguia in the round 10-9. Canelo has an overall record of 87 wins and 83 losses.
Round 10: Munguia wants to keep Canelo on the ropes. Canelo doesn't seem worried as he keeps Munguia within range of his power punches. Speaking of which, Canelo's left hook. Munguia gets a few headshots. Canelo was fired from two difficult jobs. Uppercut to Munguia. They are scrapping! Munguia landed a combo, but Canelo slowed him down with an uppercut. Left uppercut by Canelo. Munguia bobbed at the wrong time and landed another uppercut. Straight right from the body shot by Canelo. Munguia isn't holding back, he just doesn't connect enough. At the end of the round, it's 1-2 for Canelo.
MMA Fighting: Canelo won the round 10-9. Canelo has an overall record of 97 wins and 92 losses.
Round 11: Both fighters want to establish their jabs and expand their arsenals. Canelo with a little edge. Munguia picks it up. The referee warns the players not to lead with their heads. Canelo retreated and finished, but Munguia remained undaunted. Attacks Canelo's body. Right hook from Munguia. Canelo landed a right hand and Munguia finished the fight with a left hook.
MMA Fighting defeated Munguia in the round 10-9. Canelo has an overall record of 106 wins and 102 losses.
Round 12: Munguia charges as if he knows he is outnumbered. Canelo's defense was as solid as in his previous fights. Canelo goes around and hits a body shot. He tagged Munguia with a short right. Canelo lands a hook. Munguia misses slightly with a left hand. Canelo with a body shot. Canelo breaks him with a one-two combination as Munguia leads him in cutely with a low hand. Left hook by Canelo. The clock is ticking until Munguia makes a statement. Munguia hits a home run, but Canelo blocks it with an uppercut. If it goes to the judges, Canelo should stay.
MMA Fighting: Canelo won the round 10-9. 116-111 Canelo overall.