elgin khan – Local democracy reporter
An application has been made to the Welsh Government's Planning Inspectorate to maintain a hut built during the coronavirus pandemic to allow a martial arts champion to continue training.
Neighbors have shown their support for the appeal by signing a petition calling for the storage of a solar-paneled warehouse built at No. 4 Gwastod Farm in Cumtilery.
This appeal was lodged with PEDW (Planning and Environmental Decisions Wales) by Roberts Edwards.
Mr Edwards submitted a retrospective planning application to Blaenau and Gwent Borough Council in January to maintain the shed, which will be used to store fitness equipment.
In February, planners at Blainau Gwent rejected the application.
Steve Smith, the city's development and real estate services manager, explained the reason for the refusal.
“Due to its size, location and elevated position relative to the road, the shed is considered to be an unduly dominant feature that has a negative visual impact on the streetscape,” Mr Smith said. Ta.
“Furthermore, placing a hut at the front of a major elevation would result in a development that is incongruous and nondescript with the surrounding area.
Mr Smith said this was therefore contrary to Blaenau Gwent Local Development Plan (LDP) policy.
Mr Edwards' planning agent, Terry Morgan, insists the shed is not contrary to Lib Dem policy and there are other “similar” outbuildings nearby.
He added that he built a shed in front of the house to “take advantage of the perfectly positioned solar panels for sustainable energy generation.”
Mr Morgan explained that the applicant's daughter Lindsay Edwards is a Welsh, British, Commonwealth, European and World Muay Thai martial arts champion.
She had to “abruptly stop training” due to the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown.
Mr Morgan said: “Construction of the outbuildings began after the first coronavirus lockdown.
“They were concerned about how long the lockdown would last.
“A separate building with basic facilities provided a means to maintain a certain level of training and fitness.
“Solar panels were installed to support the running of his electric car.”
bring the action
Documents filed with the appeal include a petition signed by Mr Edwards' neighbors Gwastod Farms 1 to 10.
Mr Morgan added: “Our neighbors in this very close-knit community are also cooperating fully and a petition of assistance has been submitted and attached for consideration.”
Further submissions are expected, but a deadline for a decision has not yet been published.
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