In the preface to the Italian book “The Games of Peace. The Soul of the Olympic and Paralympic Games,” published by Lev and promoted by the Vatican Athletics Team (Athletica Vaticana), the Pope expresses his support for proposals to eliminate violence in the spirit of the upcoming Paris Olympics.
Pope Francis
In this particularly dark historical moment in which we live, the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris are an opportunity for peace. Reflecting on the value of the Olympic Truce proposed by the United Nations, I hope that sport can concretely build bridges, break down barriers and foster peaceful relations. The UN has proposed an Olympic Truce period of one week before the start of the Olympics and one week after the closing of the Paralympics. The true Olympic and Paralympic spirit is an antidote to the tragedies of war, an opportunity to save ourselves by ending violence.
Yes, my hope today is that this appeal for a truce, born in the globally understood language of the Olympics, will be accepted regardless of latitude. I hope that Olympic and Paralympic sport, with its passionate human stories of redemption and fraternity, sacrifice and loyalty, team spirit and togetherness, can become a unique diplomatic tool to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
The Olympic Charter emphasises the principle of placing the human person at the centre of his or her dignity and pledges to educate young people through sport, exercised without discrimination in a spirit of friendship and solidarity, and to contribute to building a better world without war. The essence of sport is one that unites not divides, and the five intertwined rings of the Olympic symbol and flag represent the spirit of brotherhood which characterises Olympic events and sporting competition in general.
I particularly appreciated that in 2021 the International Olympic Committee chose to add “Communiter,” meaning “together,” as the fourth word to the famous Olympic motto “Citius, altius, fortius” (faster, higher, stronger), coined by French Dominican preacher Henri Didon.
Collaborators! Sport is for everyone and it is everyone's right. Sport is always changing. Hymn to the Creatures I recognize that it is “accepted” by my Encyclical. Laudato Si And the Fratelli tutti. True sport is interwoven with grace, Amateurism – It’s a great “relay race” in the “marathon of life”, the baton is passed from hand to hand so that no one is left behind. Pace yourself to match the pace of the last person.
I myself have played with a rag ball on the street as a child. Pelota de Trapp And I believe that sport should never lose that simplicity that inhibits the pursuit of money and success “at all costs”, which runs the risk of overpowering athletes in the name of profit and making them lose the joy that has attracted them to sport since childhood.
The Olympic and Paralympic Games are therefore “communitarian” style. From this perspective, today, more than ever, the keyword in sport is “closeness”. This is the first proposal I, as a “coach of the heart”, always propose to Athletica Vaticana: highlight the essence of a shared existence, whether running, cycling or playing with other athletes. Bringing together diverse talents is also important to build a better and more just society. When playing sport together, it does not matter where people come from, their language, culture or religion. This is also a lesson in our lives, reminding us of the fraternity between people that goes beyond physical, economic or social capabilities.
The Olympic and Paralympic Games are also an opportunity to embrace the stories of men and women from different human, cultural and religious experiences, and in particular to encourage the efforts of all athletes to be recognised with the same dignity, regardless of the number of medals they have won or their competition placements.
I think of athletes with disabilities. I am always amazed when I see their performances and hear their words. The purpose of the Paralympic Movement is not only to celebrate great events, but to show what people can achieve if given the opportunity, even if they have suffered serious injuries in their life. If that is true in sport, it should be even more true in life. When I see the capabilities of high-level Paralympic athletes, I am inevitably in awe. Through sport, we can and must develop awareness to change the perception of disability in everyday life, in our families, in our schools and in the workplace.
I think of refugee athletes who tell stories of rescue, hope and acceptance. The Syrian Olympic swimmer who pushed a rubber dinghy in the open sea to Lesbos, where he rescued 18 people, and where I have personally visited twice, in 2016 and 2021, to inspect the refugee camps. Or the Afghan swimmer born without arms who became a Paralympic champion. They are not “just” athletes. They are men and women of peace, protagonists of tenacious hope and the strength to rise again.
The Olympic and Paralympic Games are an opportunity for peace. I reiterate this idea, which I proposed at the beginning of this reflection, and which will guide it. The Pope and the Holy See personally encourage and support the Olympic and Paralympic Movements. This is what has happened since my predecessor, Saint Pius X, received Pierre de Coubertin and inaugurated international sporting events at the Vatican between 1905 and 1913, with events in which disabled young people, amputees and the blind participated.
This is the same approach taken by the Congregation for Culture and Education, to which I entrusted the care of sport in my Apostolic Constitution. Preaching the Gospeland Athletica Vaticana propose a vision of sport that is fraternal, inclusive and supportive in an international context. amateur In future Games, together with athletes from all over the world, we will help keep the flame of the Olympic and Paralympic spirit alive and nurtured.
This is a practical translation.