23 April 2024 — The European Commission announces the launch of the new Horizon Europe offering with a large funding pool of over €112 million. These calls are primarily aimed at pioneering projects in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum technologies.
This includes significant funding of €50 million to accelerate AI models at scale by integrating new data modalities and expanding their capabilities. This research targets the development of generative AI that can adapt to a wide range of tasks and domains while processing and generating multimodal data, including but not limited to text, images, audio, video, and 3D representations. With this funding, Europe aims to take the lead in building AI systems that are not only strong but also compliant with European values and ethical guidelines, especially taking into account AI legislation.
To address the need for transparency and robustness in AI, €15 million will be invested in projects that make AI systems more understandable and trustworthy. The EU recognizes the importance of AI systems that are not only intelligent, but also understandable and secure for users, and supports his EU approach to human-centered AI.
€40 million will be invested to accelerate world-leading research into cutting-edge quantum technology. €25 million of this investment will go toward developing a Europe-wide network of quantum gravimeters. This not only improves the precision of Earth observation and civil engineering. We also discuss how quantum technology can significantly improve current technological capabilities. The network will consist of at least eight gravimeters (gravity sensors) and will demonstrate that quantum gravity measurements can provide much higher accuracy than their conventional counterparts, and will serve as a basis for future pan-European digital quantum sensing infrastructures. Serves as a foundation.
A further investment of EUR 15 million will be focused on promoting cross-border research and development in next-generation quantum technologies. These cross-border research projects foster synergies between European stakeholders and ensure that the EU remains at the forefront of the global quantum technology race and consolidates its position as a hub of innovation and technological independence. It is expected that
A further investment of €6 million aims to strengthen Europe's involvement in global ICT standardization. The EU aims to promote its national interests and values in the development of global technical specifications and standards by supporting the participation of European experts in international standard-setting bodies.
The remaining 1.5 million euros will be invested in exploration. digital humanism, a project that puts people at the center of digital transformation. This approach emphasizes the need for cross-sectoral cooperation to ensure that the digital realm adheres to European legal, socio-economic and fundamental rights standards.
Further information on the areas of activity for these calls (HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-02 and HORIZON-CL4-2024-HUMAN-03) can be found in Horizon Europe Digital, Industrial and Space 2023-2025 Available. work program.
Source: European Commission